Read on to learn how you can stay on script and sound more authentic when presenting or demoing on-camera.
Look amazing presenting on camera without having to memorize an entire script
Have you ever experienced a presentation, keynote or demo where the presenter seems authentic and is in complete control of the narrative and hardly ever referring to notes? Would you like to be able to do that and quickly? I’m going to give you the simple three-step process we teach our clients that makes them look amazing presenting on camera without having to memorize an entire script.
Step 1
Write out everything that you want to say, word for word. Make sure to include all of the points that you want to make in your speech. Make it sound like it’s coming from YOU.
”I'm going to give you the simple three step process we teach our clients that makes them look amazing presenting on camera without having to memorize an entire script.
Step 2
After you’ve written everything out, turn on your camera and practice it. Just run through it once out loud. It only counts if you do it out loud. 😉 Now, after you’ve run through it all the way once, saying every single word that you wrote down, then I want you to start to condense it. Write out a beginning, middle, and end paradigm. Where you’re starting with a key sentence, what the first sentence of your next thought is, and what the next thought is for your beginning, middle and end until you go all the way to the end of your speech. Once you’ve said that out loud and done it all through one more time, then move on to step three.
Step 3
I want you to find those little keywords or prompts that will trigger the thought for your next subject or your next mini story while you’re presenting to your audience or demoing.
That’s it! Three easy steps: Step 1, write out your entire talk track every single word. Step 2, write out key sentences points in a flow from beginning, middle, and end. And finally, step 3, write out prompt words that fire the thought that leads you to your key points.
Try this in preparing for your next demo or presentation. You will be amazed at how quickly you can deliver an authentic presentation while hitting all of your key points and deliver value for your audience.
OMH, a boutique creative agency that nourishes enterprise software companies (Microsoft and SAP) and their partners with marketing services and training that drive sales.
For more Online coaching, video production, and training tips, check out our premium Storied Teams courses. Make sure to take advantage of our free mini-course. In 30 minutes or less, you’ll feel a lot better about how you look and present on camera!
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